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  • Origin: Ectomyrmex leeuwenhoeki is native to various regions across Asia, including Borneo, Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Bangladesh, India, Thailand, and Vietnam.

  • Habitat: These ants are typically found in tropical and subtropical regions, inhabiting forests, grasslands, and urban areas.

  • Colony Type: Ectomyrmex leeuwenhoeki colonies are monogynous, typically consisting of a single queen.

  • Queen Size: The queen of Ectomyrmex leeuwenhoeki typically measures around 10-12 mm in length.

  • Worker Size: Workers of this species vary in size, typically ranging from 6 to 8 mm in length.

  • Food: Ectomyrmex leeuwenhoeki is omnivorous, primarily feeding on small insects, nectar, and other arthropods. They may also scavenge on dead animals.

  • Behavior: Ectomyrmex leeuwenhoeki ants are capable of stinging when provoked or threatened.

  • Humidity: They prefer environments with moderate humidity levels, typically found in tropical and subtropical regions.

  • Temperature: Maintain the temperature for Ectomyrmex leeuwenhoeki colonies around 25-30°C (77-86°F).

  • Hibernation: Ectomyrmex leeuwenhoeki colonies may reduce activity during cooler periods but do not undergo true hibernation.

  • Colony Size: These colonies are relatively small, typically containing a few hundred individuals.

  • Difficulty: Difficulty level to care for Ectomyrmex leeuwenhoeki: 4/5. This species requires significant attention to maintaining appropriate temperature, humidity, and handling due to their stinging behavior, making them challenging to care for.

  • Founding: Ectomyrmex leeuwenhoeki colonies use a semi-claustral founding strategy.


About Ectomyrmex leeuwenhoeki:

Ectomyrmex leeuwenhoeki is a species of ant native to various regions across Asia, including Borneo, Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Bangladesh, India, Thailand, and Vietnam. They are typically found in tropical and subtropical habitats, such as forests, grasslands, and urban areas. Colonies of Ectomyrmex leeuwenhoeki are monogynous, with a single queen, which measures around 10-12 mm in length. Workers vary in size, typically ranging from 6 to 8 mm in length. They primarily feed on small insects, nectar, and other arthropods, and may scavenge on dead animals. Ectomyrmex leeuwenhoeki ants are capable of stinging when provoked or threatened. Maintaining moderate humidity levels and temperatures between 25-30°C (77-86°F) is essential for their well-being. While they may reduce activity during cooler periods, they do not undergo true hibernation. With proper care, colonies of Ectomyrmex leeuwenhoeki can thrive, but their specific habitat needs, stinging behavior, and semi-claustral founding strategy make them challenging to care for.


Ectomomyrmex Leeuwenhoeki

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